
China-denmark friendship begins new voyage


Author: Ye Wei

中丹两国虽相距遥远,但交往历史源远流长。1950年5月,丹麦与中华人民共和国建交。丹麦是最早一批与中华人民共和国建交的西方国家,也是“一带一路”倡议在北欧地区的重要驿站。2020年将是两国建立外交关系的70周年,值此之际,丹麦驻上海总领事Jakob Linulf(林朗)先生接受了《名流PERSONAGE》的独家专访。
Though far apart, China and Denmark enjoy a long history of exchanges. In May 1950, Denmark established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. Denmark was one of the first western countries to establish diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China.On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 2020, Danish consul general in Shanghai Jakob Linulf has an exclusive interview with “Gentry PERSONAGE”.

Denmark is located in northern Europe, is the world's oldest monarchy, for many years by the United Nations as the world's most livable country. Because of the fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen, Denmark has always been remembered as a "kingdom of fairy tales". In reality, Denmark is full of gardens, castles and churches. It not only has fairy-tale scenery, but also leads the world in modern agriculture, food security, industrial design, clean energy, water treatment and high technology. In recent years, china-denmark exchanges and cooperation in various fields have made gratifying progress, and bilateral relations have been expanding in breadth and depth. China has been Denmark's largest trading partner in Asia for many years.

Of nearly 70 years of diplomatic relations with China, Jakob Linulf said: "we, as the Danish government party, is really very honored to can so early and China established diplomatic ties, I think, Dan even though the two countries in the area of the country and population still has a lot of differences, but Denmark and China is a country with a long history, as the two countries in culture, history of sedimentary many similarities. In terms of core values, both China and Denmark attach great importance to family and natural environment.Among Denmark's strong industries, we put agriculture, health industry and clean energy at the top of our list, and we believe that some of these industries are also highly valued in China. It is these factors that form the similarity of core values between China and Denmark, which is why the friendship between China and Denmark has lasted so long."

The first China international import expo (ciie) was held in Shanghai, China in November 2018 to share China's development opportunities with the world's trading partners. Jakob Linulf said: "it is a great sign for the world that China is ready to be a trading partner with countries around the world. As Danish side is also very honored to participate in the first China international import expo, we and Denmark cooperate some associations and companies formed a Danish pavilion, we the pavilion is divided into two pieces, one is the food industry as the core of a Danish pavilion, there are some big Danish enterprises to form their own enterprise pavilion, such as lego, arla milk products and novo nordisk antidiabetic drugs (currently the world's largest company) pharmaceutical enterprise... . This year's second China international import expo is still focused on business. For Danish companies, the Chinese market is full of opportunities and great potential. In the context of China's rapid economic development, the consumption capacity of Chinese consumers and their household income are steadily increasing. Many products used in Danish households are now gradually entering Chinese households.

近70年来,中丹商务合作十分广泛,几乎涵盖了所有行业。随着2008年10月中丹全面战略伙伴关系的建立,双边经贸关系也迈上新台阶。据林朗介绍,许多丹麦大公司正在逐步扩大在中国的投资。丹麦最大的工业集团丹佛斯1996年进入中国市场以来,持续在华进行投资,业绩稳步增长。目前,中国市场已经成长为丹佛斯第二大区域市场和集团最大的采购市场。丹佛斯在中国不断加码,扩充研发实力。在华东地区,丹佛斯集团先后有7个项目落户浙江海盐,整体发展一直保持稳健。乐高集团投资上亿欧元建成的中国嘉兴新工厂2016年11月正式投产。2019年9月11日,丹麦最大的猪肉企业丹麦皇冠集团(Danish Crown)在中国的第一个生产基地——丹尼斯冠食品(中国)有限公司平湖工厂正式投产。这些项目中,丹麦企业和中国政府和协会的合作,提高了他们在中国投资的效率。另外,很多优惠的政策和良好投资环境也有利于丹麦企业在中国扎根。
Over the past 70 years, the business cooperation between China and Denmark has been very extensive, covering almost all industries. With the establishment of china-denmark comprehensive strategic partnership in October 2008, the bilateral economic and trade relations have been elevated to a new level. According to Jakob Linulf, many large Danish companies are gradually expanding their investment in China. Danfoss, the largest industrial group in Denmark, has continued to invest in China since it entered the Chinese market in 1996, and its performance has achieved steady growth. Now, the Chinese market has grown into danfoss 'second largest regional market and the largest procurement market of danfoss. Danfoss keeps increasing and expanding its r&d strength in China. In east China, danfoss group has successively settled 7 projects in haiyan, and the overall development has been stable. Lego group invested hundreds of millions of euros to build a new factory in jiaxing, China, which was officially put into operation in November 2016. On September 11, 2019, Danish Crown, Denmark's largest pork enterprise, officially put into operation the pinghu factory of danes Crown food (China) co., LTD, its first production base in China. Among these projects, Jakob Linulf was impressed by the cooperation between Danish enterprises and Chinese governments and associations to improve the efficiency of their investment in China. Of course, many preferential policies and good investment environment are also conducive to Danish enterprises to take root in China.

Denmark is the most environmentally friendly country in the world. The "Danish green development" model with the goal of "zero carbon" has become the most successful "laboratory" in the world to explore energy supply and security. As you walk through Denmark, you will occasionally encounter a cluster of white windmills, which are not only a beautiful scenery, but also the lifeblood of Denmark's energy and export economy. Jakob Linulf said that in the past three years in China, he has witnessed how the Chinese government promotes environmental protection policies in cities to reduce pollution and make the air in cities cleaner. In clean energy, some in the industry for the sustainable development of green Dan potentials for cooperation between the two countries is very large, the two countries at present in the field of wind energy, solar energy and biological energy has a close cooperation and exchanges, in the construction of a sustainable ecological civilization is Dan common desire and effort direction between the two countries, Denmark to develop offshore wind power is the next step, believe that will bring more friendly cooperation.

Is known as the agricultural workers in Denmark, farmers, agricultural concept prompted the Danish agriculture industry is very prosperous, and continued to develop in the direction of the fundamentals, Denmark in 1987 legislative norms of organic food, is one of the first countries to publish relevant laws in the world, today, less than 6 million population of Denmark is the highest per capita consumption of organic food in the world. In 2017, China and Denmark started to build a china-denmark agricultural cooperation platform. Jakob Linulf is introduced: "Denmark is very pay attention to in the production of health food and products, organic products in the global market in Denmark has high permeability, and the potential of China's consumer market for organic products is very large, we hope that the future 3 to 5 years to strengthen cooperation between the two countries, decrease as far as possible some artificial food in agricultural production, promote more natural organic food production, it is also a big upgrade for consumers' health.

Design is the blood of danes, innovation is the soul of danes. In recent years, Denmark and China have carried out a number of design cooperation, including cooperation in the renovation of Beijing's qinglong hutong. Jakob Linulf hopes to cooperate with cities like Shanghai to promote the planning and design of public areas, so that urban residents can enjoy their leisure time in a better environment, especially along the huangpu river in Shanghai. Additional, Danish household design also has distinguishing feature very much. Located in northern Europe, Denmark has a long time in winter. During the dark and long harsh winter, danes are good at introducing natural elements into the interior to make people have a more comfortable living experience, thus generating many excellent designs.

2006, Denmark and China started in the field of TCM modernization of science and technology cooperation, for the future cooperation in the field of medicine, Jakob Linulf mentioned a very new but it is in the right direction: "China and Denmark are facing common challenges - people of sub-health state is common in modern life, advocating a healthy lifestyle is very important. In Denmark, urban planning is very easy for people to walk and ride, and this seemingly slow way to get around is an easy and healthy exercise. We hope that through active cooperation with cities in China in urban planning, people can gradually develop a healthy lifestyle.

When it comes to food in China and Denmark, Jakob Linulf knows a lot about food, it is obvious that the consul general is also a "food expert"."Some Danish pastries and coffee shops are doing well in China," says Jakob Linulf. In Denmark, NOMA is a well-known Michelin restaurant in the field of high-end cuisine. Some Michelin restaurants led by NOMA are starting a trend of new Nordic cuisine. In recent years, we have seen more and more Danish chefs come to Shanghai for communication, and we also hope that more and more new Nordic dishes will be introduced to China in the future. During these times in Shanghai, I often try different Chinese dishes. Chinese cuisine is very rich, and the methods of cooking in different provinces and regions are completely different. What impressed me most was the diversity of fish cooking in China. Although Denmark is surrounded by the ocean, it should be very convenient to eat fish, but it is strange that danes don't eat fish very often. In addition, Jakob Linulf is also impressed by the food culture in China. Chinese people spend a lot of time on food. The dining table is a social space where people share food, discuss their ideas and exchange their opinions.

Looking ahead, Jakob Linulf said China and Denmark have broad space to expand cooperation and bilateral relations have a bright future.

Standing at a new historical starting point, the vision of cooperation between China and Denmark is expressed in the words of Hans Christian Andersen. "in the 19th century, Hans Christian Andersen predicted that 'European culture and Chinese culture will converge and form a huge torrent that will shake the world. 'I believe that with the deepening of bilateral exchanges, Denmark, Andersen's hometown, will surely write a new chapter of friendship with China."